

Introducing PowerTalk: An innovative forum that engages cultural icons as agents of change. This groundbreaking educational technology platform marshals the experiences and expertise of high-profile leaders in business, culture, and thought — and brings them to life through live and online speaking engagements.


Upcoming Events


Creative Conversations

Introducing Creative Conversations, PowerTalk’s inaugural speaker panel series designed with creatives in mind. These candid discussions feature celebrity talent, as well as noted industry leaders in disciplines like talent management and agency representation, production, law, and business.



This dialogue will examine some of the basic tenets of being a successful captain to some of the leading actors, TV and film producers in the world, managing competing priorities, plotting out strategy, and engaging their business affairs. Please join us as we peel back the layer of what it means to be the right hand, or left, of today's leading creatives! 


Actors. We applaud them. We celebrate their creative ingenuity. Hear from two of the leading men of our era. Their resumes speak for themselves. Independence Day: Resurgence. Glory. Shaft. Between them, over $500,000,000 in box office receipts.  

They’re here to unpack their greatness. It’s profound. And profane. It’s PowerTalk.


MGMT: 101

MGMT: 101, explores the basics of talent management and representation.

it always seems impossible until it is done
— Nelson Mandela